Book of Doom Preview:
Johnny Monster #1

Book of Doom Preview:
Johnny Monster #1

For my pick for Book of Doom this week, I’m ending the backwards hegemony of Nightwing idolatry and DC obsession perpetrated by Jim Doom and Doom DeLuise, and going with the one with the dinosaur on the cover: Johnny Monster #1, first issue in the Image Comics mini-series.

Johnny Monster is the world’s foremost super-star monster hunter, but what the world doesn’t know is that he was raised by the same monsters he’s ‘hunting!’ Now, in order to save his adoptive family…he must fight them!

I know literally nothing about the series aside from those two sentences and the fact that it has a dinosaur monster thing on the cover. Writer Joshua Williamson’s previous works include the Dear Dracula graphic novel, and J.C. Grande’s art recalls Art Adams.

Want to join in on the fun? Email

Stump the Doominator, Week of Feb. 15, 2009

Welcome, welcome to the first installment of Stump the Doominator, where I use my vast nerdery to attempt to breakdown storylines into a single sentence. We’ve got some good ones this week, so let’s press on.

Nate Winchester, occasional commenter and operator of Hunting Muses, asked:

Has anyone asked you to sum up Final Crisis yet?

Well, Nate, to answer your question:


Now you probably want a real answer:

So in order to correct the fact that there are Infinite Earths and nothing makes sense because of Darkseid, some people shoot a bullet backwards through time at Darkseid to undo what he did so instead of a bunch of Earths with lots of continuity no one understands, you have a nice way to wrap it up and say “THERE IT’S ALL SOLVED EXCEPT BATMAN IS NOW CAPTAIN CAVEMAN” without having to account for anything.

Grifter wrote in with another question:

Stump the Doominator

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnellI’m a lax contributor here at Doomkopf, mostly because I’m terrible at actually remembering to go to the comic store, and even when I do, I either get Astonishing X-Men or a long canceled series. But after Doom DeLuise asked me to help him with his countdown, I knew my calling … to sum up storylines concisely.

So here’s my challenge to you, fair readers. I want you to send me storylines, and I will attempt to sum them up in one sentence. It may be a run on sentence. Once I get five, there will be a new post. Oh, and for bloggers out there, I’ll use it as a way to link back to your blog, so we both win. As a bonus, each time, I will attempt to answer an obscure question about the X-Men. My X-Men library goes back longer than I’ve been alive, so chances are, I can answer it.

How do you enter? Email me at ‘Nuff said.

More terrible comic movies

This started as a comment, but has segued into it’s own list based on Doom DeLuise’s. Before X-Men, most comic book movies were laughable at best, cripplingly bad at worst.

Del does a good summation of the familiar garbage. There is no defending The Hockey Team from Hell in “Batman and Robin.” And though the picture was of “Catwoman” for the post, that horrid turd was nowhere to be seen. And it’s baaaaaaaaaaad.

Here are a few contenders I would throw in the ring, though I don’t play by the same rules he does as far as theatrical release, etc.


Guy from fatally bad comic movie to strike again with needless remake – ‘The Crow’

The Crow Gets Remake

UK, December 15, 2008 – Relativity Media are set to reinvent Goth fantasy movie The Crow, with The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen helmer Stephen Norrington hired to direct according to Variety.

The 1994 movie, which was based on the comic by James O’Barr and was directed by Alex Proyas, revolved around a rock musician who was murdered trying to protect his girlfriend from thugs. A year later he returns from the dead to exact vengeance. The original film became a smash hit, but also earned notoriety after star Brandon Lee was accidently shot and killed on set.

Norrington has a new take on the antihero, telling the trade mag, “Whereas Proyas’ original was gloriously gothic and stylized, the new movie will be realistic, hard-edged and mysterious, almost documentary-style.”

Norrington hasn’t directed since the disastrous shoot for The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen back in 2003. The production was beset by problems and the helmer publicly fell out with star Sean Connery.

There has been no word as yet on who will star as the vengeful rocker Eric Draven.

So … let’s remake “The Crow,” but take out the things that made it cool. Then let’s turn it into “Cloverfield.”


X-Men Noir #1

x-men noir #1The line between gimmick story and fun storytelling isn’t always obvious. Much like a television series, transposing your characters to another place and time can end up like “1602,” or it could be any of the numerous holodeck malfunction episodes of “Star Trek: The Next Generation.”

So I had apprehension about “X-Men Noir.” In fact, I was not going to pick up the book in the least. But I was won over by the persuasive power of Doom DeLuise, who manages to convince me into a variety of things, good and bad.

Oh yeah, I’m about to unleash a huge amount of spoilers, so don’t read on if you’re not into that. I’m putting it in quotes so you can just scroll down to the review.


Batman sues Batman … only one will win


Not a superhero with supernatural abilities, or a person wealthy enough to buy high-tech toys to fight evil, but a simple human being named Hüseyin Kalkan, the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party mayor of the southeastern city of Batman, declared war against his city’s namesake superhero, Batman.

“The royalty of the name ‘Batman’ belongs to us … There is only one Batman in the world. The American producers used the name of our city without informing us,” Kalkan told to the Do?an news agency. Batman is a centuries old city, taking root in the Neolithic age but becoming significant when oil was found in the region at the end of 1940s. Almost a decade before that, Batman was created as a comic hero. Kalkan is going to sue Christopher Nolan, the director of the latest Batman movie “The Dark Night,” not DC Comics, the creator of the superhero.

I’m not sure there’s much else to say.

So today, your new comics came

And you’re probably like, “Well, duh, d-bag. It’s Wednesday.”

But it’s been my experience that, on weeks with a postal holiday, comic shops get their books a day late. Even the minor ones. But Monday was Columbus Day, so I didn’t go to the shop today to see what was new. I finally found “my” store in Philadelphia (Fat Jacks, 20th and Sansom, cough cough) so I was excited for my inaugural day … on Thursday. But they didn’t arrive Thursday. They arrived today.

All I can say? I’m glad Diamond sees through the lies of Columbus Day, but sad I didn’t.

Today’s brain melting video comes courtesy of Spider-Man

… again, I suppose, after that poop-tastic skidmark of “Spider-Man and His Mediocre Friends.”

When I was a kid, my first intro to comics, beyond a Batman issue from “A Lonely Place of Dying,” was the “X-Men” cartoon, thanks to some cousins. I was enthralled, and soon became a Marvel zombie. As happens when I delve into something, I try to soak up as much as I can in rapid succession. This meant trying to not only read all I could, but watch all I could. This is also why, as a lad, I kept singing “When Captain America swings his might shield! Something something … bad guys yield?” But part of this journey is a dark, long forgetton harrowing tale of the first spandexified Spider-Man.

The Stinktastic X-Men

So … “Wolverine and the X-Men” doesn’t look all that great to me.

But then again, I’ve never been a huge Wolverine fan. Ragey short Canadian? If I wanted to see that, I’d watch this …