More terrible comic movies

This started as a comment, but has segued into it’s own list based on Doom DeLuise’s. Before X-Men, most comic book movies were laughable at best, cripplingly bad at worst.

Del does a good summation of the familiar garbage. There is no defending The Hockey Team from Hell in “Batman and Robin.” And though the picture was of “Catwoman” for the post, that horrid turd was nowhere to be seen. And it’s baaaaaaaaaaad.

Here are a few contenders I would throw in the ring, though I don’t play by the same rules he does as far as theatrical release, etc.

Vault of Horror – (1973) – The original “Tales from the Crypt” movie is one of my favorite horror movies, throwing us into a fun, escapist world of ghastly revenge and macabre delights. The sequel, unfortunately, is unwatchable garbage that fails to captivate or even hold on to tangible comprehendability.

Howard the Duck – (1986) – This clip is NSFW, but sums up the movie pretty well. Why NSFW? Naked, anthropomorphic ducks. Thanks George Lucas!

Art School Confidential (2006) – Terry Zwigoff took some liberties with “Ghost World” and pulled it off, fleshing out the story without losing track of the characters. In his Clowes follow-up, he miserably fails. His task was to make a feature length movie out of a three page comic story about art school stereotypes. What we got as a muddled affair of nothingness.

Guyver (1991) – I really can’t fathom how horrid this thing is. It’s got Mark Hamill as a detective and some schmoe as a transforming body suit thing. Even when young, I thought this was bad. Now that I’m older, it’s even worse.

Red Sonja (1985) – So Conan was popular, right? Why not make a movie about a FEMALE Conan, and put the guy who was Conan in it? Oh man, awesome f—ing idea, right?

Return of the Swamp Thing (1989) – One of the (many) reasons Alan Moore won’t put his name on a movie related to anything he wrote.

And a couple not so obscure …

300 (2007) – Somebody had to say it. I have never seen such utter garbage that was so adored by a mass of idiots. The blatant homoeroticism was lost on the “blood in your dick” crowd. Watched as a movie, it fails. Watched as gay porn, it delivers … boners.

Constantine (2005) – Yep, it’s bad.