Category: reviews

Doom and Doomer: Captain America: The First Avenger

captain america international posterJIM DOOM: Hey, let’s finish reviewing Captain America.

DOOM DELUISE: I need to find [our first attempt at our review] so I can get caught up. I forget what I was having a hard time explaining.

JIM DOOM: Or we could just move on to talking about specific things and you can build a segue between the old part and the new part later. This will also make it seem like you got the last word in on whatever the topic was!

DOOM DELUISE: I found it. Re-reading the review so far is really frustrating.

JIM DOOM: haha, I bet.

DOOM DELUISE: I don’t want to be rude, but it was like you were ignoring half of what I was saying and then faulting my logic and trying to catch me in contradictions.

JIM DOOM: Is this the start of the review?

DOOM DELUISE: …while fully ignoring almost everything I was saying.

JIM DOOM: Well, I wasn’t trying to catch you in contradictions. I thought you were contradicting yourself, and I couldn’t latch onto what your actual problem with the movie was. So there was no trying to catch contradictions. They were landing in my lap.

Perfect segue — I wasn’t understanding you, so why don’t you say “Okay, let’s talk about some specifics.”

DOOM DELUISE: No, no. they weren’t actual contradictions. You were suggesting they were, but that’s because you weren’t paying attention to what I was saying.

JIM DOOM: …Then we can talk about specifics. Because as I remember it, we were just floating in generalities, and there’s no way to really discuss, “This movie was a total failure!”

DOOM DELUISE: OK, let’s take a ten minute break and then start completely over. Trust me, what we have so far is a total wash.

JIM DOOM: Jesus so we get to start all over with you saying the movie is a total failure and I say it’s not? Hooray.

DOOM DELUISE: I was hoping we could be more succinct with our arguments so that we’re not just bickering back and forth in the most annoying way possible. It’s not fun to read what we have so far.

JIM DOOM: Well I’m sure it isn’t for you, considering you were contradicting yourself all over the place.


Do me a favor, before we start up again. Find the old transcript, read it over, pay attention to what you wrote, and try to pretend that you’re not being an obstinate dick.

JIM DOOM: I don’t really know what you’re talking about now. I just read it, and if this really bothers you, I think we should just forget it. This doesn’t read any different than any of our other conversations when you lead with sweeping, damning generalizations and I try to draw details out of you. And if you came out with the same points this morning, I’d probably reply exactly the same.

DOOM DELUISE: OK, let’s start over, and I’ll try to steer clear of generalizations.

So, we both saw Captain America: The First Avenger, and the one point we can probably agree upon is that it’s a movie!

JIM DOOM: Bullshit! (more…)

I saw Transformers 3 last night

I hated Transformers 2 so much I blogged about it twice.

But I was still determined to see Transformers 3. After seeing it last night, I have to say that it’s probably my favorite of the series. But it was still awful.

I’ll start with the good, because there was quite a bit that I enjoyed (and I’ll try to keep spoilers to a minimum, but be warned – spoilers follow). (more…)

Found This on Reddit Today

Rank of every comic movie ever made, as listed on Metacritic:

Doom and Doomer: X-Men: First Class

xmen first class poster
DOOM DELUISE: This past weekend, X-Men: First Class came out, and the two of us went and saw it together on Sunday. Immediately after leaving the theatre, what were some of your initial impressions, as far as what worked, what things you enjoyed, and what you felt came up short?

DOOM, WHERE’S MY CAR?: Well, overall I’d say it was a good movie, very enjoyable, but a bit too long.

DD: It clocks in at 132 minutes, for the record.

DWMC: I loved the casting of Magneto, and Professor X was good too.

See, my internal clock put it at forever long, so that’s interesting.

I loved the first hour, but as we moved away from Magneto’s revenge story and got swept up in the scope of history, it began to feel a bit muddled.

What about you?

Doom and Doomer: Thor

thor movie posterJIM DOOM: So Thor.

I’m not sure what to say to open this other than that I didn’t read much of anything Thor related ever except for when he’d show up in big crossovers and get killed or something.

So I feel that my thoughts are solely based in reflections on Thor: the movie and not Thor: the comic book adaptation.

What’s your Thor background going into this?

And feel free to be long-winded because I need another beer.

DOOM DeLUISE: Very limited. I read some Mighty Thor comics back in the early 90s, when he had a big beard. Also, I remember him being really cool in the Return of the Hulk, the made-for-TV movie that was an extension of the Incredible Hulk TV show, starring Bill Bixby and Lou Ferigno.

I knew about the Bifrost Bridge, and I knew most of the characters from the movie, but I can’t say I’ve ever been an avid Thor reader.

That said, I think his movie is super fun.

Worst Job in the World

MARVEL EDITOR: Come in, Mr. Yu. Have a seat. How was your drive in today? We have a lot of…sorry, excuse me, would you like a cup of coffee?


MARVEL EDITOR: Ok, great. Like I was saying, we have a lot of important things, exciting things, to discuss with you today. I have had an eye on your work for awhile now. You’ve been doing some amazing things with those things that you’ve been doing.

LEINIL YU: Thank you, sir. I try to–

MARVEL EDITOR: Look, I don’t want to jerk you around. You’re hot stuff right now. We want to give you your choice of whatever project you want. Whatever you want, Mr. Yu, it’s all yours. So tell me, answer me that: What do you want?

LEINIL YU: Well, to be frank–thank you, wow, that’s hot–to be frank, sir, I’ve always admired Wolverine. I loved drawing him in New Avengers. Just something about him has always–


LEINIL YU: Resonated. I mean, with the claws and the non-stop action and all the places around the world that he’s traveled to. Really, any place, any time, Wolverine is endlessly fascinating, both as a character and as a person to draw.

MARVEL EDITOR: So, I’m hearing a lot of interest in a Wolverine project. Well, I’ll tell you what. Your wish is my something something, however that goes. I’m sure you’re familiar with the expression. It’s yours. Wolverine is yours.

LEINIL YU: Oh, wow. Thank you so much, sir. Thank you! I won’t let you down. This is easily the most exciting moment of my professional career so far. Finally, I’ll get a chance to really capture everything about that character that has appealed to so many fans over the years. His brute strength and masculinity, his, well, I don’t want to forget the claws, his ability to just tear his enemies to bits. Wow, I’m just… I’m floored. This is going to be so exciting, I promise.

MARVEL EDITOR: Well… about that. Here’s what we have in mind. I had my assistant write it up this morning. Here, take a look. (more…)

Spoiler-Free Iron Man 2 Review

iron man 2 posterI just got home from the midnight showing of the brand-new sure-to-be-blockbuster Iron Man 2. I’m going to attempt to give you my reaction without necessarily giving anything away (because, really, where’s the fun in that?), but you could probably argue that any sort of reaction to the movie could be considered a potential spoiler.

With this in mind, I’m going to try to save my thoughts on the movie until after the jump; however, I can’t just put the jump in here, because then the format of the post will be goofy looking. Skip down the page to the jump if you want. I’m just gonna waste some time until then.

Before I went to the theater tonight, I re-watched the original Iron Man film. Thought you might like to know that. Man, I really like that movie. So good. I especially like the ending. What a great way to OK that’s enough, let’s jump into this. (more…)

Doom and Doomer: Kick-Ass

kick ass movieWelcome to the latest installment of “Doom and Doomer,” in which members of the Legion take a look at comics on the big screen. Tonight, your participants are Jim Doom and Doom DeLuise, looking at the new Kick-Ass movie, starring Aaron Johnson, Chloe Moretz, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, and Nicolas Cage, based on the comic created by Mark Millar, written and directed for the big screen by Matthew Vaughn.


DOOM DELUISE: A couple of nights ago, you sent me a text message that read, “Holy crap, Kickass is amazing.” Care to expand on that? What do you think worked so well about this movie?

JIM DOOM: Well, to start with, I think if we’d have had this discussion Saturday night instead of right now, things would be a little different.

But I can’t deny that I loved the movie and more specifically, I loved the experience of watching the movie.

I knew nothing of the source material. I don’t have the grudge against Mark Millar that many seem to have, but I’m no huge fan either. But something co-created by John Romita, Jr. doesn’t exactly inspire me either. So I’d never had even the slightest interest in picking up the books.

Which probably helped me, because I had no idea what was going to happen, and I thought the movie did a fantastic job of staying relatively unpredictable (at least when it needed to be), keeping the adrenaline rush, and using humor to make it all seem so oddly real.

Also, I thought the casting was fantastic. I have no idea who that kid was that played Kick-Ass, but he was really good.

I don’t want to cover everything in my opening statement. What did you think? (more…)

X-Men Forever: File Under “Books I Thought I’d Hate But Love”

Over the last decade, Chris Claremont’s track record at Marvel has been poor. Heck, since leaving X-Men in 1991, his comic writing in general has been poor. Two words: Sovereign Seven.

So when I heard about X-Men Forever, where-in Claremont is going back and rebooting the X-Men as if nothing had changed since he left way back when. That means no Onslaught, no Marrow, no Bishop, no Bastion, no Fantomex, no Nano-Sentinels. Cable may be many things, but in this version of events, he’s certainly not Nathan Summers. Why? Because a young child roams around by that very name.

My own webcomics recommendations

MG Doom recently made a very valid point that it’s hard to wade through the thousands of web comics to find a few gems. But I’ve also covered my love of xkcd here previously.

So, dear readers, you may be wondering “What should I read?” Well, here’s the unqualified opinion of somebody who owns all four issues of X-Men vs. the Micronauts: