Category: news

Sony REALLY Hopes You Liked The Amazing Spider-Man

amazing spidermanLast summer, The Amazing Spider-Man, directed by Marc Webb and starring Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, was released by Sony Pictures, and, if I’m not mistaken, it wasn’t exactly considered the best comic book movie of all time.

Matter of fact, I seem to recall it getting completely lost in the shuffle between The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises. And now, a year later, I don’t think I could tell you a single major thing that happened in it. I just remember disliking it a great deal and hoping to never have to watch it again.

A quick browse through our archives shows that, indeed, I hated it, though Jim Doom thought it was pretty great.

Let’s look at some facts first, before I get to my point.

Hit the jump, and let’s get down to business. (more…)

The Guardians of the Galaxy Movie, On the Other Hand, Will Be Great

guardians of the galaxy

Yesterday, I had some fairly negative things to say about the prospects of an upcoming Justice League movie, because of how different it’s going to be from Marvel’s The Avengers, which was a huge success last summer.

But all that negativity got me to thinking. Maybe DC/WB shouldn’t try to copy the formula that made The Avengers so successful. One doesn’t have to look hard to find a formula that might work much more to their advantage: The formula Marvel is currently working on in regards to next summer’s Guardians of the Galaxy.

The Guardians are a pretty well-known team to comic book fans, but the general movie-going public has no clue what they’re all about, a fact that I don’t think is inevitably going to matter all that much. Whereas the Avengers took the long approach to developing each individual of their team in their own standalone movies before adding all the parts together for the team-up, Guardians is instead just throwing as much talent as they can possibly muster into a gigantic cast for a movie that will eventually, presumably, somehow tie into everything else in the Marvel Universe.

It’s a huge gamble. But I think it’s going to work. Let me explain why. (more…)

NEWSFLASH: The Justice League Movie Will Not Be Good

justice league

Now that Man of Steel has broken the record for largest opening weekend for a motion picture in the month of June, the talk of the town has turned to building toward the Justice League movie, as WB has said they want that property in theaters by the summer of 2015. Now, if you haven’t seen Man of Steel yet, don’t worry about me offering up any spoilers here, because I haven’t seen it yet either. But I CAN offer up spoilers for the Justice League movie, as you can probably guess from the title up above:

It’s not going to be very good.

How do I know this, you might be wondering? Simply put, it’s going to be compared to The Avengers constantly, and, as I keep saying, it won’t be good.

Comparisons between the two properties are inevitable and perfectly fair. As soon as Iron Man was released back in 2008, people started buzzing about the inevitable Avengers team-up, and some of us knew that could only mean an equally inevitable Justice League team-up.

Whereas it seemed that Marvel Studios had a master plan for how to make their movie happen, DC/WB released The Dark Knight a couple months later, a movie so grounded in its own realism that the notion of a team-up with Green Lantern or Hawkman seemed absolutely ridiculous to even think about. Indeed, DC/WB showed with that movie that they had absolutely no plans for anything even resembling the Justice League. Marvel not only fired the first shot, so to speak, but they did so at a time when the other side didn’t even know they had a gun. (more…)

Why I’m glad I quit reading Captain America in one sentence

From my google reader today:

“CBR spoke with ‘Captain America’ writer Rick Remender about his protagonist’s battle to recover his foster son from the villainous Arnim Zola and escape the nightmarish reality known as Dimension Z.”

Click here if you want to read the interview. Maybe it’s good.

(If you’d like to read about why I quit reading Captain America in many more sentences, there’s this.)

Wrestling & Comics

When we started this little blog 7 1/2 years ago (WOW!), comic books were a lot more exciting than they are now. DC was going through a revolution, with Geoff Johns reviving the Green Lantern franchise and then bringing back the multiverse in Infinite Crisis. Marvel, my first love in comics, had become my whipping boy, with Joe Quesada giving Brian Michael Bendis free reign to destroy everything I loved about the House of Ideas. There was a lot to praise and a lot to complain about. Today, comics just aren’t as exciting. Sure, series like Invincible, Daredevil, Aquaman and The Walking Dead still keep me interested enough to go to the comic shop every week, but there isn’t really that buzz around the industry that there was back then.

DC’s New 52 really sucked out most of my interest in the company. Suddenly, all the characters I’d spent the last decade getting to know weren’t themselves anymore. Infinite Crisis, the story that got me interested in DC in the first place, probably doesn’t even exist in the continuity anymore. Of course, we don’t know for sure, because DC won’t frakking explain what happened and what didn’t in their new universe. For continuity buffs like myself, that’s a hard pill to swallow.

Marvel hasn’t really evolved much over the last decade either. It seems like they have a mega-crossover event that changes the status quo forever twice a year now, which makes you wonder what the status quo ever was to begin with. Instead of ruining the Avengers for me, Bendis is now ruining the X-Men, but they’ve really been ruined for a while anyway. Ed Brubaker, the best thing going at Marvel, has stepped away from superhero comics for the time being. And for some reason Marvel thinks it’s their responsibility to make me angry.

The declining frequency of our posts is a clear indication of how much we’ve really stopped caring. Back in the day we’d have a new post everyday, sometimes twice a day. We’d do weekly reviews of comics. We’d do Books of Doom that we’d review as a group. Now we can barely be bothered to post a Podcast of Doom transcript or bitch about stupid crap. Which brings me to the title of this blog post.

Jim Doom, Doom DeLuise and myself, Doomkopf’s version of the DC’s Trinity (before you make the joke guys, I realize I’m Wonder Woman), have two foundations to our friendship. One is comics, and the fact that we seem to agree on most aspects of storytelling and art styles. The other is professional wrestling, and the fact that we seem to agree on most aspects of storytelling and in-ring styles.

Tonight is Wrestlemania night. As I’m writing this in Austin, TX, I’m a little sad that I’m not sitting next to my buddies at DJ’s Dugout in Omaha, NE. We’ve been watching the big pay-per-views together for as long as we’ve been doing this blog. Now I’m in Austin, and DeLuise is about ready to leave the country, and we’re not going to be able to do that together anymore. But one thing we CAN do together is bitch about it on the internet. So as of right now, Doomkopf is officially a blog about comics AND wrestling. And I can’t think of a more appropriate day to do it than on Wrestlemania day.

I’m not sure if this means we’ll be posting more frequently, but it does mean we’ll have a lot more to talk about. Starting tomorrow with a review of Wrestlemania XXIX, naturally. I hope my fellow wrestling buddies will do the same.

Who the hell is Angela, and why should I care?

When was the last time anyone cared about Spawn? Was it when that terrible movie came out? How about when that terrible animated series was around. Or when the “action” figures were all the rage? Spawn was at the forefront of everything that went wrong with comics in the 90s: too grim, too gritty, spikes and capes up the wazoo, bad art and even worse writing. I mean, the only thing worse about the 90s was that whole “Bad Girl” craze with Vampirella, Lady Death and the like, right? If only there was some way they could have combined the two into one character that epitomized the worst that comic books had to offer two decades ago…

Oh wait, they did. Her name was Angela. And now for some god awful reason she’s part of the Marvel Universe.

Or at least she will be by June. Angela is going to make an appearance in Age of Ultron, and it looks like she might be here to stay. According to, “the appearance of Angela will be at the end of the series, with editor-in-chief Axel Alonso likening her appearance to the post-credits scenes at the end of Marvel Studios films.” Apparently Mr. Alonso isn’t quite aware that the appeal of those surprise appearances at the end of Marvel movies is that they’re SURPRISE APPEARANCES. There’s no such thing as a Thanos superfan, but when Thanos showed up at the end of Avengers without notice, every fanboy in the theater creamed his pants because they weren’t expecting it. (more…)

A Means to an End

Peter Parker has always been my favorite comic book character. Not Spider-Man, mind you, Peter Parker. Yes, Pete has the proportionate strength and agility of a spider, but it’s not his powers that make him cool, it’s his personality. When Spider-Man isn’t Peter, I’m just not interested. Ben Reilly, Miguel O’Hara, Miles Morales, Otto Octavius…I’m just not interested.

nullI haven’t been reading Superior Spider-Man for specifically that reason. I bet Dan Slott’s making some pretty good stories, because I’ve enjoyed almost everything he’s done, but I just don’t care. I have no idea what’s going on in the title aside from the advanced solicitations like the one to the left. But I think I figured out what the whole point of replacing Pete with Doc Ock.

Peter’s had it way too easy over the last few years. Sure, he had to give up his marriage with Mary Jane to Mephisto in order to save Aunt May’s life, but what else has really gone wrong? He’s become a respected hero as a member of the Avengers and the FF. He’s got his dream job working as an inventor at Horizon Labs. He has unlimited resources at his disposal, so he doesn’t have to worry about making rent on his sweet penthouse apartment, running out of web fluid or not having the tech necessary to take on anybody in his rogues gallery. He’s banged Black Cat and a sexy/nerdy police investigator, and it turns out his years-long relationship with MJ wasn’t blinked out of existence, only their marriage certificate was. Aunt May is happy and safe, his secret ID is well-protected…does this sound like Spider-Man to any of you? (more…)

Robin, Robout

SPOILER ALERT!!!!! This hasn’t happened in comics yet, but it’s all over Damian Wayne is dead. Gotta say, I did NOT see that one coming.

This will probably come as happy news to some. At least a couple of my fellow bloggers were not fans of Damian Wayne as Robin. He never really bothered me, but I can see why he would. First, his conception doesn’t really make sense in the New 52 timeline. If Bruce Wayne has only been Batman for 5 years and Damian is 12, that means Ra’s al Ghul decided Bruce Wayne was worthy to mate with his daughter a good 8 years before he ever put on the cowl, when Bruce was barely into his 20s. Second, Damian’s a whiny little kid. Nobody likes a whiny kid.

nullBut my immediate thought when I heard the news was “so who’s the new Robin?” There’s got to be a new Robin, doesn’t there? There’s always been a Robin, hasn’t there? Turns out, there has.

Jason Todd was actually introduced in the Batman comics while Dick Grayson was still wearing the green short shorts. As soon as Dick became Nightwing, Jason was there to step into his booties. Tim Drake debuted a year after comic readers voted to kill Jason Todd and became Robin after 5 months. Except for Stephanie Brown’s short stint (which may or may not have still happened), Tim was Robin until he became Red Robin, specifically so Damian could become the new Robin.

But in New 52, Tim Drake was never Robin. So Batman had Dick (who turned out all right), then Jason (who was beaten to death with a crowbar by popular vote), possibly Stephanie (who was tortured to death), and Damian (who is murdered by his clone…no, seriously). So maybe there won’t be a new Robin? That’s really not a very good track record. If I was Batman, I’d be having second (fourth?) thoughts about bringing another tweener into the game.

But get real, there’s got to be a new Robin. And it’s got to be someone the fans already know. So let’s speculate!

Tim Drake
Why not just go back to what worked? (more…)

Podcast of Doom (transcript): Dropping Green Lantern

[SFX: Intro music]

DOOM DELUISE: Hello and welcome to the latest Podcast of Doom. I’m your host, Doom Deluise, and with me is – –

JIM DOOM: Hey, I’m supposed to be the host. What are you doing? Hello, folks, I’m your host, Jim Doom and – –

DOOM DELUISE: I forgot to ask you, but why did you quit reading Green Lantern?

[SFX: Intro music fade out]

JIM DOOM: I just haven’t enjoyed it at all.

I am glad that DC is doing something to make their roster less of a white-boys club, but the attempt to normalize those of middle-eastern descent by having him be a falsely-accused terrorist just felt really heavy handed and I can’t get into this Third Guardian War at all. And I’m spending too much on comics, so that finally got the axe.

Green Lantern was one of the longest-running comics I’d been buying.

I think I’ve been reading that since I first made the effort to read more DC books around the time that the Countdown to Infinite Crisis began. (more…)

Podcast of Doom (transcript):
New ‘Man of Steel’ trailer!

[SFX: Intro music]

JIM DOOM: Hello and welcome to the latest Podcast of Doom. I’m your host, Jim Doom, and with me, as is frequently the case –-

DOOM DeLUISE: Always the case.

JIM DOOM: — is Doom DeLuise.

[SFX: Intro music fade out]

JIM DOOM: Today on the Podcast of Doom, we’re going to —


JIM DOOM: We’re going to —



DOOM DeLUISE: What’s one of history’s greatest mysteries?

JIM DOOM: Where the Freemasons buried their gold?

DOOM DeLUISE: You see the new Man of Steel trailer?

JIM DOOM: No, I haven’t. Is there a new one?

DOOM DeLUISE: Here, why don’t you go ahead and watch this.

JIM DOOM: Well, I was thinking today we could talk about —

DOOM DeLUISE: Watch it.

[SFX: Audio from trailer. Plays for approximately two and a half minutes.]

JIM DOOM: How does Superman shave his beard?