Doom & Doomer: The Amazing Spider-Man

Doom & Doomer: The Amazing Spider-Man

amazing spider man teaser posterDOOM DELUISE: So, it’s been awhile since The Amazing Spider-Man came out, and we keep coming up with excuses to put off our review, but I think the day has finally come to throw down our opinions on it.

I thought the special effects are great in this thing, better than they have been in any previous Spider-Man movie, and I like Andrew Garfield’s portrayal of Peter Parker / Spider-Man. However, the small tweaks they made to the plot leave this movie as possibly the worst adaptation of Spider-Man in any media I’ve ever seen. Not only do the tweaks change the entire origin story, but they do so in a way that removes nearly all of the appeal of the title character. If I were to sum it up in one sentence, it’d be this:

They introduce midichlorians to the Spider-Man origin.

Would you care for me to explain that, for the uninitiated? (more…)

Welcome the Newest Member of the Legion!

Greetings! Salutations! It’s my great pleasure to introduce you to the newest member of the Legion here on Doomkopf. He’s brand new to reading comics, which is pretty cool, if you ask me. Too often, we get caught up in this weird culture where we all end up having the same take on everything, so it’ll be nice to get a fresh voice from somebody who isn’t yet initiated.

His handle is Doom Goes the Dynamite. Put your hands together (don’t actually put your hands together – – nobody actually gives a shit) and welcome him to the fold. You can read his bio in the “About” section, and his first post will pop up here sometime later today. Enjoy!

What was Bane’s Master Plan in DKR, anyway?

bane dark knight rises

Between his funny voice and Tom Hardy’s inherent magnetism, it’s very easy to ignore everything else in “The Dark Knight Rises.” But, believe it or not, there’s actually a plot in that movie, and it doesn’t make a LICK of sense. Don’t get me wrong, though. I love the movie. Absolutely. I’ll see it dozens of times over the years, I’m sure. I’m not trying to pick any nits here, because I think that the movie works, in spite of the fact that it’s stupid as hell. We’re talking potatoes-with-mouths, capital-S Stupid. And there is no part of the movie stupider than Bane’s idiotic Master Plan. Let’s review! What is he trying to accomplish? What is his plan?

1. Help THE GODDAMN BATMAN fund a fusion reactor so they can eventually turn it into an atomic bomb.

2. Bankrupt THE GODDAMN BATMAN in order to bribe Daggett (not Roland, unfortunately) into having his construction crews plant bombs all over the sewers of Gotham.

3. Accidentally lure the police into the sewers, where the aforementioned bombs are placed, detonate those bombs, and trap the police forever (keep them with a steady supply of food and water, btw, until they escape, at which point they’re fair game to be murdered).

4. Lock down Gotham, impose Martial Law, release the inmates of Blackgate, and give the city back to the people. If anybody interferes, the nuke goes off.

5. Show the people of Gotham that Gordon is a fraud.

6. Break The Batman. Put him in a prison known only for its hopefulness.

7. Inspire REVOLUTION in Gotham.

8. Kill The Batman.

9. Explode Gotham.

10. Die in the explosion.

Why did Batman fall for Catwoman in DKR?

I recently watched The Dark Knight Rises for a third time in theatres, and a question kept popping into my mind (one of many, actually).

Why did Batman care about Catwoman AT ALL?

Why did he choose her as his future, beyond the cape? There are a lot of head-scratchers in that movie, but that one is right at the top of the list. So let’s review! What did he see in her? To get to the bottom of it, let’s look at what, exactly, she does during the course of the film to make him fall for her.

1. She steals his dead mom’s pearl necklace, as well as Bruce’s fingerprints.

2. Admits she robs the rich to give to the poor herself.

3. Steals Bruce’s sports car.

4. Gives Bruce’s prints to a badguy, which bankrupts Bruce and makes him lose his parents’ company.

5. The loss of the company leads to the destruction of Gotham, with the usage of gadgets that the badguys stole from the Applied Sciences division (also, they got a nuclear bomb out of the deal).

6. She hands Batman to Bane, so that Bane can kill him. Instead, Batman’s just crippled and left for dead.

7. With Batman gone, Bane enacts Martial Law and destroys the entire city, so Batman can see the depth of his failure.

8. Batman gives her an escape route (with the clean-slate thing she had been striving for) from Gotham. She comes very, very close to taking it, but she returns at the absolute last possible second to save Batman from Bane, by shooting Bane. With a gun (which Batman expressly told her not to use when he first met her).

9. Batman decides to sacrifice himself to save the city of Gotham. She says, “Yeah, okay. Good luck, bro!”

10. He runs off with her and lives happily ever after.

Podcast of Doom (transcript):
The New 52: One Year Later (part two)

This is part 2 of the transcript of the New 52: One Year Later edition of the Podcast of Doom, in which Jim Doom and Doom DeLuise reflect back on the past year since DC’s cancellation of all titles and subsequent relaunch of 52 new books. To read part one of the transcript, click here.

JIM DOOM: Okay, we’re into week two now. Mr. Terrific!

DOOM DeLUISE: I bet it’s not very terrific!

[audience laughter]

I don’t read it.

JIM DOOM: I bet at that meeting they were like “Let’s put out a book starring Mr. Terrific!” and the other guy was like “Sure!”


We should probably stop shouting. Beyond the problem of microphone pops, this energy level is likely unsustainable.

Superboy. Did you buy it?

DOOM DeLUISE: Do I really have to answer that?


I’m going to go the opposite direction and start whispering my answers.

Doom & Doomer: The Dark Knight Rises

dark knight rises international posterDOOM DELUISE: Ok, so Nolan’s Batman Trilogy is over. I don’t know about you, but this conclusion isn’t at all what I expected, but we can get back to that. Overall, all things considered, would you say this is a satisfying final chapter, or did you leave the theater wanting more from it, or, at least, something different?

JIM DOOM: My gut reaction was disappointment. I won’t say necessarily that it’s not what I wanted, but I wanted to leave with the feeling I left with after seeing The Dark Knight, and I didn’t get that. That said, the more I thought about it, the more I guess I appreciated it as the closing chapter to the trilogy.

In what way was it not what you expected? I’m not sure I can really articulate that just yet. (more…)

The Amazing Spider-Man Review in 5 Seconds

DOOM DELUISE: Here’s a preview of my thoughts on The Amazing Spider-Man: IT STINKS!


Jim Doom’s Greatest (Photoshopped) Hits

Over the years, Jim Doom has been my go-to guy whenever I need a good Photoshop done of a photo. He’s real good and super funny. This morning, I decided that the best way to spend my day would be going through his old posts to find his best Photoshopped pictures he’s ever done. And, since I’m the Greatest Guy in the Universe, I’ve compiled my Top Five Favorites, posted here for your viewing pleasure. On to the show!

6. Actually, Top Six Favorites. I just couldn’t resist posting this. This was during that whole Batman RIP / Final Crisis fiasco:


A Matter of Willpower

“Three-hundred-mile-thick wall of pure damn willpower slowed him down. Thin green line will stop ‘im cold.”
– Guy Gardner, Infinite Crisis #7

green lantern logo

I used to be a smoker. Before you say anything, I am well aware that it is the single stupidest thing you can do to your body outside of actually committing suicide. In a way, it is suicide – – it just takes a longer time to get the job done. And it doesn’t do anything for you. Like, at all. It just makes you smell like old musty newspapers mixed with rotting food. So I quit. A lot of people talk about how hard it is, and, yeah, it can be a little difficult at times, but, for the most part, I’m not having any trouble with it at all. I’m posting this to share my method.

One of the main things about quitting smoking is that you have a lot of positive memories of smoking. So a trick you can do is, when you get a craving, you need to replace that absent, longing feeling with a positive thought that reminds you of what you’ve gained by quitting. A co-worker of mine told me that (actually, that’s not true, but I don’t want to sound like a pompous ass by saying I just thought of it myself), and I immediately knew what my thought had to be. Whenever I craved one of those nasty little bastards, I simply thought of the man who is able to overcome great fear through pure damn willpower:

Green Lantern.

Every single time that I think about wanting a cigarette, images of my favorite superhero float through my head instead, both distracting me and simultaneously filling my brain with positive thoughts that have nothing to do with smoking.

Give it a shot. It’s working really well for me.

Rated D for Doom: A Look at Superhero Movies in 2012

Welcome back! It’s been a few years since I did one of these, but don’t worry. I’m sure you’ve missed them a lot more than I have, but I’m back for another dose of your yearly look ahead to superhero movies.

Last year, we had a slew of hit-and-miss Marvel movies, along with one notable dud from DC. On the one hand, Thor and Captain America seemed to do serviceable jobs of introducing a couple more main characters for the eventual Avengers movie, but they did little else aside from that. X-Men: First Class was pretty good, but it could’ve been capital “G” Great if it had been called, “Magneto: Nazi Hunter,” instead. You can’t tell me that scene in Argentina doesn’t make your dick harder than times in ’29.

Meanwhile, DC/Warner Bros only had one big offering this year, in the form of Green Lantern. It was like a cynical movie executive threw up a movie. Shortly after it was released, star Ryan Reynolds was quoted as saying, “What’d you expect? I played Van Wilder, for God’s sake.”

In a word, 2011 was the year of mediocrity for comic book movies. Sure, the highest grossing movie of the year was Transformers 3, but I think it’s best for the sake of all that is good and pure that we don’t mention it further than that. Nobody ever said that mediocrity doesn’t sell.

Still, though. By and large, superheroes underperformed last year. This year may be more of the same, in some cases, but it also promises a few big-time blockbusters. Without further adieu, let’s stop reminiscing and get to it, starting with…

ghost rider spirit of vengeance

Wait, seriously?

Goddamnit. (more…)