Oscar Buzz 2009

oscar academy awardIt seems like Oscar season is just around the corner, and for the first time that I can remember, there’s been some serious buzz regarding superhero movies. Specifically, lots of people have been rooting for a Best Supporting Actor nod for Heath Ledger in “The Dark Knight.”

At this point, it’s a little hard to speculate, since so many Oscar-type movies haven’t even hit the local multiplex yet, but, still, it’s always fun to think about. I’m sure a lot will be said for the new Brad Pitt movie, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.” I hear it’s like that Robin Williams movie “Jack,” but in reverse. And probably not as hilarious. Also, unless you live on the coasts, you probably haven’t seen the new Sean Penn Oscar-vehicle “Milk,” which is about the first openly gay politician in San Francisco, Harvey Milk. Is “gay” Oscar’s new “mentally handicapped?”

Anywho, my mind is already pretty much made up, so, for your consideration, here are my predictions for who’s going to win what when it comes time to pass out the little golden effigies next year:

Best Picture – Batman
Best Actor – Batman
Best Supporting Actor – Joker
Best Actress – Rachel
Best Supporting Actress – Joker dressed as a nurse
Second Best Picture – Iron Man
Second Best Actor – Tony Stark
Second Best Supporting Actor – Rhodey
Second Best Actress – Pepper
Second Best Supporting Actress – The fire-prevention robot in Tony’s lab