Meaningless Awards of the Week- 10/1/08

Publisher of the Week- DC Comics

Did at the Big Two not realize that September only has thirty days, so this wasn’t a fifth week? DC only published three non-weekly comics that I bought this week. Marvel published…zero. Wow. I can’t remember the last time I went a week without buying a Marvel issue.

Cap 42Book of the Week- Captain America #42

Okay, so I did buy a Marvel comic this week, but that’s only because Trade-a-Tape didn’t get their full shipment last week. That shouldn’t count.

Cap #42 was not only a great issue in and of itself, but it was a great cap to the “Death of Captain America” mega-arc. In fact, it was a great cap to the entire Ed Brubaker run on Captain America. Thankfully, this doesn’t mean Brubaker’s run is over.

Everything came to a head this issue. Red Skull’s plan to take over the government from the inside was thwarted by Bucky. Sharon Carter finally escapes from and “kills” the Red Skull. Crazy Cap throws off his programming and “kills” Armin Zola.

But the thing that really struck me as I was reading this issue was a realization I had about Bucky: he isn’t just filling in for Captain America any more, he is Captain America. Yes, in all likelihood, Steve Rogers will eventually be back in the star-spangled tights. But it doesn’t feel like that day is going to come anytime soon. And you know what? I don’t want it to come anytime soon.

It’s amazing that Brubaker has been able to kill off a hero that most consider one of the greatest of all time and make me not only not hate his successor, but actually make me root for him. I’m excited to see where Brubaker takes Bucky as Captain America, and how Bucky will do things differently than Steve would have. And I’m especially excited to see the Red Skull storyline go on hiatus and have the new Cap deal with some other opponents for awhile.

DCU Decisions 2Most Political- DC Universe: Decisions #2

In case you’ve ever wondered how your favorite DC heroes would vote, DCU: Decisions is here to shed a little light on the subject:

Democrats: Green Arrow, Dr. Light, Beast Boy, Thunder, Firestorm and Bruce Wayne
Republicans: Guy Gardner, Hal Jordan, Vixen, Power Girl, Wildcat, Plastic Man and Hawkman

Some of those make a lot of sense given the history of the characters. Queen has always been portrayed as a liberal, and Bruce Wayne has always been about helping the unfortunate. Guy Gardner’s always been about looking out for his own behind above others (at least in non-GLC related matters).

But some of those seem like really arbitrary designations. For Instance, I would have imagined Vixen and Power Girl would be Democrats. But I’m not sure if I’m basing that on the actual experiences of these characters, or if I’m just projecting my own political ideals onto them. These are the good guys after all, and in the political world that almost always means you’re a Democrat (at least in this blogger’s humble opinion).

I guess there’s a reason comics tend to stay away from sticky subjects like politics. Just like Larry David couldn’t sleep with a woman once he found out she was a Republican, I find myself thinking less of characters like Hal Jordan, Vixen and Power Girl now that DC has established their political affiliation.