Preview Day!!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketYou know how most schmucks running blogs like to take a gimmick and stretch it into a week of posts (I’m looking at you David Campbell)? Well, what would you say if I were to give a whole week’s worth of gimmicky posts in… one… single… day…

That’s right, coming tomorrow, it’s Preview Day! I’ll be bringing you a whole load of previews of upcoming books (at least, I’m pretty sure none of these have shipped yet) and you can enjoy some instantaneous gratification. And don’t we all love that?

The Previews will include The Programme #1 (cover seen here), Umbrella Academy #1, Zero Killer #1, Speak of the Devil and maybe a couple other books. I have to look through the pile of stuff that’s come in the mail and see what else I have (I know, I know: woe is the guy who can’t remember all the stuff in the free load of comics that shows up on his desk…)