Book of Doom: Captain America #25

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingTo the left is the original art by Jim Steranko for the cover to Captain America #113, from 1969, in which Steve Rogers was killed. After today, that apparently should instead be “killed for the first time.” Very fortuitously, our choice of Book of Doom for this week is the latest issue of Captain America, in which, SPOILER ALERT, Steve Rogers dies for the second time.

The book is an epilogue to Civil War, and we at the Legion of Doom have had plenty to say about that. So, you can imagine that we’ll have plenty to say about the biggest event of Civil War, now that it’s finally happened outside of Civil War. Will this be the moment that spurs Jim Doom to actual violence against his fellow Doomers? Will I continue my unadulterated Marvel-bashing? Will Fin Fang Doom be able to hold off until Saturday to totally trash this book? Will Doom DeLuise drink so much he forgets that Civil War ever happened? All questions will have answers, come Saturday, so come on back and weigh in yourself.

Captain America #25 comes courtesy of Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting. It retails for $3.99, which ain’t bad for a ticket to a snuff flick.

In case you’re curious, here’s the cover that actually did run for Captain America #113. Not quite as dramatic, no. Oh, by the way, when Steve bit a bullet that time around, he was “dead” for all of a couple issues. Make of that what you will.