Most Satisfying of 2006

While Marvel took back the reins from DC in 2006 as the world’s greatest seller of comics, they fared far worse when it came to giving us fanboys satisfaction. And no, that’s not a call for more T & A covers by Michael Turner!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting52’s success

“I never doubted for a minute that DC would be able to put out a weekly series. Even if it wasn’t great, they’d at least put it out on time because they’d look foolish if they didn’t. Turns out that it’s been pretty damn good though. I look forward to reading the new issue of 52 first every week, and I think I’m going to be pretty disappointed when I can’t do that after May 2.”
— Fin Fang Doom

“I’ve been incredibly satisfied with 52 so far. When I finally sit down with all the issues in a complete set, I’m going to be incredibly satisfied, I hope. Well, as long as they explain what they meant OYL by having Harvey Dent as Gotham’s protector, Supergirl as Superman’s on-call rescue squad, etc.”
— Doom DeLuise

Dini’s Detective

“Detective Comics, when under Paul Dini, has been an exceptional read.”
— Doominator

Joker’s revenge

“Infinite Crisis was a great comics event, exciting and deep and lengthy and confusing and all that. For every excellent page, the series went out with a literal bang with a perfectly satisfying moment. All series, we had wondered where the Joker was, and were disappointed to see him out of the action. Turns out, Geoff Johns had that covered, and he used the ultimate villain to close the book on the ultimate event.”
— Jean-Claude Van Doom

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingOnslaught, stillborn

“I think Onslaught has been a flop. Or at least, the idea in my mind, completely unsubstantiated by any evidence or figures, that Onslaught has been a flop is very satisfying.”
— Jim Doom

[JCVD’s Note: As reported in LITG, the big crapfest is now delayed. Well, more delayed. Further research shows CBG reporting that Onslaught Reborn debuted at #22, selling 79,100 copies.]