Worst of 2006: Marketing

“I don’t pay attention to marketing.” That’s what Doom DeLuise had to say about this category. But sometimes marketing is so bad or just so annoying you can’t help but notice it.

One Year Later

OYL“DC’s One Year Later and 52. While they seemed like good ideas at the first, and they’ve definitely been editorial feats, I have to wonder if they’re worth it. The gimmicks saddled the creative teams with not being able to use certain characters and only being able to use certain others. I’ve only stuck with 52 because I’m sort of a completist. I’d like to see the sales figures and how they’ve fallen off.”
-Jim Doom

Online Promotion

“Trailers need to go. They look like somebody just vomited all over the Ken Burns Effect on iMovie.”

Guiding Light

Guding Light crossover“Marvel’s crossover with that soap opera (I’ve forgotten which one) is just hugely dumb and was handled poorly, as if there was a good way to handle it.”
-Jean-Claude Van Doom

“It would have been interesting to be a fly on the wall in the meeting where this gem was introduced. No one had ever thought to cross-promote a comic book and a soap opera, and for good reason: the demographics don’t cross over at all. Yet Marvel and Guiding Light teamed up for a storyline on the show and a back-up story in assorted Marvel comics. Yet Marvel never mentioned in their comics when the show was airing until a week after it aired. And somehow, despite spending $50 a week on comics, at least half of that on Marvel stuff, I never once stumbled upon the back-up story. I can’t even fathom how Marvel could have bungled this one as much as they did. Oh, and apparently the only fans more rabid than fanboys are soap opera junkies, and they didn’t seem to like it anymore than we did.”
-Fin Fang Doom