Happy Blogiversary!

CupcakeOne year ago today, Jim Doom posted the very first entry here on Legion of Doom. He was quickly followed by Jean-Claude Van Doom, Doominator, Colonel Doom, myself and more recently Doom DeLuise.

But to make sure this anniversary isn’t just some self-congratulatory BS, we’ve decided to mark the occasion by adding a new feature to the Legion: The Library of Doom! The Library is something we’ve been meaning to do for quite some time, but never got around to because we’re just too damn lazy. Essentially, it’s a section set aside for reviewing trades and older storylines not collected in trade form. We might even throw a couple of reviews of a creator’s body of work in there as well. If you’re ever in the mood for picking up a new trade, just stop by the Library and see what’s good and what you should avoid at all costs. There’s even a handy dandy grading scale just like the one they use in school so you actually know what the grading scale means. And just in case you dropped out of school when they were still giving you “S”s and “U”s, here’s what the scale means:

A+: Exemplary. Simply put one of the best comics ever made.
A: Great. Not quite a classic, but very, very close.
B: Good. Better than most.
C: Passing. An average comic.
D: Unsatisfactory. Probably worth a read, but certainly not worth a buy.
F: Bad. Don’t even bother.

Plus there’ll be some pluses and minuses thrown in to better differentiate between quality levels.

Look for the first entry tomorrow, and if everything goes as planned I’ll post a new one each day for a week.