Book of Doom: Criminal #1

This week for Book of Doom, we’re all reading the debut issue of the new Icon series Criminal by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. Come join us, won’t you?

You may know Sean Phillips from Marvel Zombies. Marvel sure as hell is hoping you do, because they sure seem to be putting a lot of pressure on that as a selling point. Considering this book looks to be absolutely nothing like Marvel Zombies, that might be a bit misleading. Of course, if the book’s good, misleading might not be a bad thing to attract readers that might not otherwise buy a crime/noir series.

You may know Ed Brubaker from…well, if you don’t know Ed Brubaker you probably don’t read comics. He writes Captain America, Daredevil, Uncanny X-Men, the upcoming Iron Fist mini-series and probably a lot of other stuff I should be reading.

Be sure to check back this weekend for our reviews on Criminal #1.