Best Surprise of 2009

Jim Doom: Killing half the Guardians!

I actually really really disliked it when Adam Warlock killed off half the Guardians of the Galaxy, but then when I thought about why I disliked it, I really liked it! This series has been so good that I had grown to truly care about the characters in it, and so I had an honest emotional response when so many of them fell in battle. That doesn’t happen to me anymore!

Fin Fang Doom: Yay for gays!

2009 was a pretty big year for me personally as it was the year that I finally worked up the courage to come out of the closet. So it was kind of a big deal for me when Robert Kirkman introduced a gay couple in The Walking Dead, my favorite comic book. And strangely enough, one of the characters was named Aaron, which just happens to be the real-life name of one Fin Fang Doom. It wad a fitting end to an important year in my life.

In other gay news, Shatterstar and Rictor finally kissed after years of speculation that they were more than just friends. Good job Peter David!

Doom DeLuise: Old Man Logan was the best comic book ever published!
old man logan

That is just a gigantic, heaping dose of hyperbole, but I really, really liked Old Man Logan. I’ve always thought Mark Millar is kind of an overrated idiot who solely writes comics so they can be optioned into movie franchises, so it came as a shock that he made the late life and times of Wolverine so freaking awesome.

It’s a classic tale of the world’s greatest fighter who no longer chooses to fight. We all know he’ll eventually return to his old wicked ways, but the joy is in the journey to that breaking point. Think of it as Unforgiven with Wolverine instead of Eastwood.

Actually, that’s exactly what it is. Huh.

Here’s what shocked us in a good way in previous years:

Fin Fang Doom: The build-up to Blackest Night
Jim Doom: Batman RIP
Doom DeLuise: The return of Nick Fury

Doom DeLuise: All-Star Batman and Robin was Awesome
Jim Doom: ASSBAR Kicked Ass
Doominator: The Death of Captain America
Fin Fang Doom: The Sinestro Corps War Special

Fin Fang Doom: Joker’s Infinite Crisis cameo!
Doom DeLuise: ASSBAR vanished!
Doominator: Ultimates 2 traitor revealed!
Jean-Claude Van Doom: Foggy lives!
Jim Doom: I know! I thought he was dead!

Fin Fang Doom: Alex Luthor revealed as the other Lex Luthor
Jean-Claude Van Doom: Alex Luthor and Superboy as villains
Jim Doom: The personification of DC’s writers and editors as the creative forces in the universe.