What I’m buying this week – Feb 11, 2009

Jim Doom:

Action Comics #874 – I actually have no idea what’s going on this month, but I’m going to go out on a limb and assume it’ll be dealing with the aftermath of New Krypton.

Batman #686 – This is the beginning of Neil Gaiman’s two-part tribute to Batman and Alan Moore. I’ve heard it’s supposed to be good. I’d probably buy it even if it wasn’t.

Incognito #2 – I wasn’t super thrilled with issue #1, but it was good enough that I want to stick with the series for at least another issue.

Nightwing #153 – Doom DeLuise hasn’t gotten around to announcing it yet, but this is his choice for this week’s Book of Doom. It’s the final issue, you know.

Thor #600 (maybe) – I have a soft spot for big anniversary issues like this and I’d like to reward Marvel for returning to the original numbering. But this thing is like $5. I’ll have a flip through at the shop and see if I can justify that.

Colonel Doom:

Hellboy: The Wild Hunt #3 of 8 – I’m always excited for a new Hellboy miniseries. Mike Mignola’s stories cleverly build on past issues but it’s easy enough to jump onto a new miniseries because they’re not mired in an extended continuity. I’m always slightly disappointed not to see Mignola’s art, but Duncan Fergredo’s a good stand-in with a similar knack for swaths of black negative space and chunky lining consistent with Mignola’s, which always makes “Hellboy” a pleasure to look at. But not, you know, in a gay way.

Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #3 – Yes, I’m a week behind. I guess I’m just hoping that something good will come out of Final Crisis, even (or perhaps because) it’s not actually related to Final Crisis. Or maybe it is, and everybody already knows that except for me because I haven’t read it yet. But if anyone could retroactively make me care, it’d be Geoff Johns.

Batman #686 – Did something happen to Batman? I think something happened to Batman.

Please chime in on anything good we’re missing.