Book of Doom: Green Lantern #21

Green Lantern 21A few weeks ago, the Sinestro Corps Special was our Book of Doom. All of us here at Doomkopf loved it, so I figured we might as well make the Sinestro War our unofficial Event of Doom and pick the next chapter of the story as this week’s BoD. As an extra special bonus, I’ve asked Paperghost to return as out guest reviewer, since he hated the same special that the entire Legion fell in love with. Paperghost didn’t get a chance to bash the book last time he joined the roundtable, which disappointed him greatly. Now here’s his chance. Check back on Saturday to see all of our reactions.

Here’s what DC has to say about Green Lantern #21:

Written by Geoff Johns; Art and Cover by Ivan Reis and Oclair Albert; Variant cover by Andy Kubert

The first chapter of “Sinestro Corps” explodes! Sinestro’s army of fear has gathered: Arkillo! Karu-Sil! The Cyborg-Superman! And hundreds more of the most terrifying villains the universe has ever seen!

Hal Jordan has overcome great fear throughout his life, but what fear still lingers inside him? Parallax knows, and Hal’s about to be reminded as he leads Earth’s Green Lanterns on a life-or-death rescue mission in the middle of this war. Meanwhile, the Guardians of the Universe find dissent within their ranks as a bizarre prophecy is fulfilled.

The secrets of the Green Lantern Corps and its power are about to be revealed!