Week Forty-Nine

This is the last stop before World War III, and, after many months of speculation and guessing, we’re finally given an answer as to why the mad scientists of Oolong Island were building the Four Horsemen to begin with. This is a big week, and it’s amazingly fun to read. Let’s hit the recap and come back at the end for some discussion.
week 49

This week opens with the Justice Society of America at the forcefield walls surrounding Oolong Island, demanding the immediate release of Black Adam into their custody. The Great Ten show up, though, and tell the JSA that if they take another step further, it will be considered an act of war against the Chinese government. Alan Scott deduces that Egg Fu is actually part of the Great Ten, and that he’s been the one pulling the strings behind the scenes, playing everybody for fools. Y’see, the whole purpose of the happenings on Oolong Island was to find a way to kill the Marvel Family, using Intergang monies with full support of the Chinese.

Meanwhile, inside the walls of Oolong Island, Chang Tzu confronts Will Magnus, wondering what he’s been up to all this time. Magnus explains how the Metal Men work before releasing them (in miniature form) on the big yellow egg. As they keep him distracted, Will secures an escape for Professor Morrow and shuts down the forcefield surrounding the island. Egg Fu gets in the way, and Will shoots him to bits with a Particle Wave Ray Gun.

As these two separate storylines merge, Will surrenders to the JSA, who enter the facility for Black Adam. Atom Smasher finds him, frees him, asks him if he’s responsible for the destruction in Bialya. Black Adam notes that those responsible for everything are still on the loose. They asked for a war, and they’re going to get it. Uh-oh, Spaghetti-O’s!

The last page sees Black Adam heading toward World War III while the old members of Infinity Inc talk about how they just need an opportunity to prove themselves.

So, this is it. World War III is coming in seven days. All the players are in place, and now the only thing left to do is let the story unfold. Oh yeah, and the cover design for next week looks to be the most amazing cover of the series so far. Considering all the awesome covers, that’s saying something.

I’m not sure if the four supplemental issues to next week will be numbered or not, or if they’re supposed to be read before or after the actual issue of 52, so, if you’re in the same boat as me, come back here next week before reading them, and I’ll tell you the proper order. It’s a small price for me to pay to ensure you guys the maximum effect.

See ya in seven.