Meaningless Awards of the Week- 3/28/07

So for the third week in a row, there’s not really much to write about concerning this week’s comics. But I don’t want to go that long without handing out some Meaningless Awards, so I guess I got to come up with something. Let’s see…

Double Modifier of the Week
2) New Fantastic (Fantastic Four #544)
1) Ultimate Fantastic (Ultimate Fantastic Four #40)

Okay, my apologies. I’ve got to be able to come up with something better than that…

Star SapphireGlowing Lady Parts of the Week
1. Star Sapphire

Eeeeewwwwww. Was that really necessary, DC? Okay, something actually worth mentioning…

Disappointment of the Week
4) 24: Nightfall #5
3) Ultimate X-Men #80
2) Wonder Woman #6
1) Ultimate Fantastic Four #40

Man, half of my books were disappointments this week? No wonder I can’t come up with anything to write. 24: Nightfall was just a bad mini-series, and pretty much solidifies the notion that IDW is the worst publisher I still buy comics from (that comic being the spectacular Fallen Angel). Ultimate X-Men was Robert Kirkman at his soap-opera-iest (that’s a word, right?), which works really well in The Walking Dead but not so much here. Wonder Woman #6 was an underwhelming start for the much-hyped Jodi Picoult, which JCVD has already done an amazing job discussing.

UFF40Ultimate Fantastic Four was the real disappointment, though. I’ve really been enjoying Mike Carey’s run on X-Men, but for some reason I’ve never really got into his UFF. I was really hoping this would be the issue where I could say, “Man, that was worth the wait.” But I just can’t. Something about the book just doesn’t appeal to me, and I’m on the verge of dropping it all together. Not even Scott Kolins and Mark Brooks, two artists whose work I generally enjoy quite a bit, could help out the issue. I can’t figure out why I don’t enjoy a book written by a writer I enjoy and drawn by two artists I enjoy. It just doesn’t add up. Yet every month I buy the next issue in the seemingly nonexistent chance that I’ll really, really like it.

Maybe the Ultimate FF are just boring. The regular FF wouldn’t be nearly as interesting if they didn’t have 40+ years of history, so why would their Ultimate versions be interesting with less than four?