Meaningless Awards of the Week- 1/10/07

Dysfunctional Team of the Week- New Excalibur

Juggernaut’s in love with Dazzler. Dazzler knows it and loves the attention, so she strings him along despite having no feeling for the big lug. Nocturne knows what Dazzler’s doing, and is pissed off about it because she has a thing for Juggernaut. Captain Britain and Pete Wisdom are constantly arguing over who is team leader, except for when they’re arguing about whether or not it’s all right to kill someone if it makes the job easier. Oh yeah, and Juggernaut secretly reclaimed the Gem of Cytorrak, which he slaughtered a village to claim the first time. Yeah, this team’s got issues.

New ThunderboltsOvercompensation of the Week- sending the entire Thunderbolts team against Jack Flagg, Thunderbolts #110

Is it really going to take Venom, Bullseye, Penance, Songbird, Swordsman, Radioactive Man and Moonstone to capture Jack Flagg? I mean, it’s Jack Flagg. I could probably take down Jack Flagg. And didn’t Norman Osborn say they’d only be using Bullseye when absolutely necessary? It’s friggin’ Jack Flagg! You’re not going to need Bullseye for Jack Flagg.

Corpses of the Week- the Green Lantern Corpses’ corpses, Green Lantern Corps #8

I don’t really have anything to say here. I just thought that would be funny. It was a slow week, give me a break.