I swear this is my last post about Heroes

Sales' HeroesWe’ve discussed Heroes quite a bit here on Legion of Doom. Doom DeLuise and his brother hate it. I really like it. Jean-Claude Van Doom also seems to enjoy it a lot. I know Colonel Doom watches it, but I don’t think he has a strong opinion either way. And I’m pretty sure Jim Doom stopped watching after the first episode.

What I want to say about the show isn’t about how good it is or how bad it is. It’s about a cool little bit of info I just found out, and might bring a little more appreciation to the show from comics fans.

You see that picture up at the top? It’s one of Isaac Mendez’s paintings from the show. That particular one I don’t remember seeing on the show, but it struck me as the coolest of the bunch. Looks pretty good, right?

You know why? Because Tim Sale did it. He did them all. The very same Tim Sale we all enjoyed in Superman Confidential #1 and the very same Time Sale that did Daredevil: Yellow. Not only that, but Dave Stewart, the guy that did the colors, was the colorist on DC: The New Frontier.

Pretty cool, huh?