#2 Thing that made me smile- Nightwing doesn’t suck anymore!

Nightwing 125aNobody liked Bruce Jones’ Nightwing. Literally. Show me someone that says they liked it, and I’ll show you a liar that I will proceed to punch in the face, chest and abdomen until I get tired and Doom DeLuise has to take over.

But y’know what? Marv Wolfman seems to know what the hell he’s doing. Hell, the character even seems to acknowledge that he sucked there for half a year or so. Nightwing/Wolfman pretty much just come out and say what we can all agree with: Nightwing’s at his best when he’s kicking ass like Batman but not being a dick afterwards. Or, to phrase it differently: Nightwing’s at his best when he kicks ass like Batman but is still being Dick afterwards.

Oh, and in your breaking-the-fourth-wall moment of the weak, a mysterious character announces that Nightwing should have died in Infinite Crisis. Then, in your ominous-foreshadowing-by-the-villain moment, the same mysterious villain says he plans to rectify that mistake. And by “mysterious character,” I of course mean one of the new Watchers Monitors, which DC already revealed was going to be following Dick Grayson around. I’m not sure if anyone told Marv Wolfman that we all know that, though.

Oh well. It’s still leaps and bounds ahead of albino twins with opposite superpowers hiring a giant spider guy to eat Jason Todd only to get soundly defeated by some uninteresting chick in Nigtwing’s costume while the actual Nightwing acts like a dick. No capital D.