This week’s haul

A relatively light week for yours truly. I also picked up Truth, Justin and the American Way #4, but I’m a few issue behind in that mini so I haven’t read it yet, and probably won’t for a while. On to the reviews!

52 Week 19
Skeets is evil? That’s a twist I didn’t see coming. I’m glad this new Booster didn’t stick around, because we still have Supernova flying around, and we don’t need two Boosters come Week 52. Why would anyone assume he was Superboy, anyway? There’s been like a zillion other guys with Super in their name, and he doesn’t even have the same powers.

Aquaman 44Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis #44
For those of you more, shall we say, “soft” readers, Kurt Busiek threw all subtlety out the window this issue regarding the “secret” ID of the Dweller in the Depths. Looks like the Aquaman we all know and love will be back next issue. Which is a shame, because I really liked this new guy, and never liked the old one. I hope the new look sticks around a bit longer, at least.

Green Lantern #13
Check back tomorrow for thoughts on this week’s Book of Doom.

GLC 4Green Lantern Corps #4
Man, Dave Gibbons should draw more often. He’s much better than the regular artist. I don’t think any DC title would benefit from the Exiles formula of putting out 18 issues a year with rotating art teams more than GLC. They could even tell stories with rotating GL squads so we aren’t bothered with Thanagarian lizard mating rituals during a fun Guy Gardner story.

Ex Machina #23
Not much plot development here other that Hundred talking to that weird dog-man that talked purple like his arch-nemesis did. Cool last page, though.

Ultimate X-Men 74Ultimate X-Men #74
Holy confusing ending to a story! I’ve loved Kirkman’s UXM so far, but this issue was certainly the worst to date. At least they didn’t kill off the first interesting original Ultimate character after a few arcs.

New Excalibur #11
When was the last time superheroes were shown truly having fun while being superheroes? This issue had some great character moments, and I really loved the mention of the Exiles in the book, but New Excalibur really just seems to be in a holding pattern until Claremont returns, whenever that’s going to be.

Thunderbolts 106Thunderbolts #106
I love epic stories. Dan Jurgen’s Thor is a great example of one done well. A while ago on LOD, I wrote about the first couple years of West Coast Avengers and continuous arc that ran though the whole thing. Thunderbolts is the only book in the last few years (that I know of) to attempt something similar. While my enjoyment of the individual issues might suffer from the decompressed (in a good way) storyline, when I eventually find the time to re-read all the issues since the relaunch, it’ll be quite the experience.

Captain America #21
So apparently Bucky has a standing offer from Nick Fury? That’s pretty cool, and a great tease considering Fury isn’t even with SHIELD anymore (apologies if the standing offer was explained in #8-17…I’ve only been on board for the first and the latest arcs). A good issue with just as much set up for the “next” arc as conclusion to this one. That’s how you write a series. Oh, I say “next” because the actual next arc is a Civil War tie-in, so Brubaker’s plans are getting put on hold for a while to go for the easy sales boost. Of course, it’ll probably be a damn good Civil War story, considering it’s Brubaker and Cap.