Week Thirteen

“Poor Ralph . Even after he thought he’d lost everything, he still had his mind. Now… Now what happens?”

Save three pages, this issue is all about the resurrection of Susan Dibny, Ralph Dibny’s deceased wife, murdered by Jean Loring in “Identity Crisis.” In this issue, Ralph brings in Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Green Arrow (Oliver Queen), Metamorpho (Rex Something), and a few other superheroes to help him decide whether or not the Cult of Conner is legit. He wants to know if Sue can actually be brought back to life. Eventually, he decides that it’s not possible and that he’s one step away from drinking the Kool-Aid, so he destroys the ceremony where they’re trying to bring Sue to life, and, after it’s too late, realizes that the whole thing was on the level to begin with. After it’s all finished, Ralph is left under a bridge, clutching the Sue voodoo doll, muttering to himself that they need to, “try again.”
52 week 13
The only other three pages of the story are given to Black Adam and Isis, who are breaking up Nike sweatshops all over the place, trying to find Isis’ long lost brother who was sold into slavery at the same time she was. They’re unsuccessful, but they have resolve, so I’m guessing they’ll find the guy sooner or later.

What’s the conclusion? This issue wraps up the Elongated Man story, kind of. It gives us a bit of closure, but, seriously, who would be satisfied if this is the last we see of Ralph? He’s past the brink of madness. He, as a character, deserves more, and my faith in this series makes me think he’ll get it. I’m hoping for it, at least.

See ya in seven.