I love PvP

Most comic strips suck. To make it into your local newspaper, a strip has to be watered down, non-threatening, non-offensive, and (apparently) non-funny. Half of the time, strips like Cathy and Family Circus don’t even include jokes (unless you consider listing 17 different types of sandals or the word “pasghetti” jokes). For Better or For Worse is only funny if you’re a menopausal fifty-year-old mother. Dilbert is only funny if you work in an office and read it in the middle of Mary Worth and Hi and Lois.

PvPAs funny as comics like She-Hulk, Invincible and Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man are, the humor gets bogged down by the very necessary but very unfunny bits like exposition, advancing the story and crossing over with the latest “event” to boost sales. Some times you just want to read a comic and laugh, and that’s it.

So where does someone like me, a guy in his twenties in a go-nowhere job who’s obsessed with comic books and video games, find something like that? Right here.

You can read PvP online for free everyday. You could plunk down a measly $12 for the trade of half a year’s worth of strips. Or you could do what I do, and get it in nice and neat monthly packages from Image. For the same $3 dollars you’d be spending on All-Star Batman and Robin, you could get over 40 strips of PvP.

And PvP is intentionally funny.