Rapid-fire Doomino Effect for March 4, 2009

There’s been a lot of content going up in the last 24 hours (don’t miss the quickly bumped Watchmen review) and there’s still more coming (Book of Doom preview), so I’m going to keep this brief.

Daredevil #116, Return of the King part 1 – great introduction to the new arc. I wish I would’ve realized this was coming out this week — I would’ve picked it for the Book of Doom. I’m pumped about this. 9 dots.

Superman: World of New Krypton #1 – I still don’t like the idea that Superman will defeat dishonesty and manipulation through dishonesty and manipulation, but it’s an interesting scenario and I imagine it’ll be a good read. 7 dots.

War of Kings #1 – It was our Book of Doom. Much like New Krypton, I feel like this story has had several first chapters, but no matter how many of them are called chapter 1, I still like how it’s progressing. And I love Paul Pelletier’s art. 8 dots.

Madman Atomic Comics #14 – I finally got around to reading Madman #13 (on a Sunday), which was the conclusion to a thirteen-part super-story. Michael Allred announced in the letters column that the series would begin focusing on more single-issue self-contained stories starting with #14. As for the lead story, it was cute. I enjoyed it. It had enough of the quirkiness Madman fans expect that I wasn’t disappointed. The backup story by J. Bone and Darwyn Cooke was awful though. Just a ridiculous mess. 5 dots.