Captain America’s shield in Iron Man?

Continuing’s transformation into an exclusively-Iron Man comics blog, here are some entertaining little bits on an alleged Easter Egg.

FIRSTSHOWING.NET: Is that Captain America’s shield in the background of the Iron Man movie?

I have confirmed myself, along with our comic book expert Roman Chavez, in person that Captain America’s shield is actually in Iron Man. Yes, you heard me right, and if you need to go out and see it again this weekend I suggest you do. We’ll provide the information on when and where it shows up below if you care to go find it, but we’re pretty damn sure this is it. As for what this means for the Marvel universe and future movies – who knows? I thought Captain America wasn’t around at this time and I thought he got his shield from S.H.I.E.L.D.?

TOYRSEVIL.BLOGSPOT.COM points out that the shield was clearly added for the theatrical release, as it is absent from the trailer version of the same shot.