Heroes: Episode 3

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketLet’s call this the Homecoming edition of our weekly Heroes wrap-up. A few central characters had been MIA since last season’s finale, but now they’re back. Was it a good Homecoming? Well, it far exceeded any I experienced in high school. Of course, that’s not saying much at all.

So, what happened? Who returned? Who died? Did the writing improve at all? How many Nissan Rogues would show up?

Dumb criminals — I’ve been intrigued by the Alejandro and Maya-the-crying-chick arc, but man did it ever take a turn for the stupid here. They’re in Mexico and trying to get to America, so what does Alejandro do? He busts out the window of a car in broad daylight in the middle of a crowd with a cop standing nearby. Who would’ve thought such a thing could’ve landed him in the clink?

Packin’ heat — You have to wonder if the writers are making a joke of Parkman and his position with the NYPD. As I mentioned from episode one, he’s a bit over zealous with the firearm. More of the same here, as he wakes up and immediately pulls the hammer and nearly shoots Mohinder. A tip to Mo: You live with a nutjob. Might want to let him know when you’re coming and going.

Sylar’s back — In case you missed the episode and the 20,000 commercials NBC aired last week, the man the world loves to hate has returned, albeit with a big hole in the chest and apparently no powers. More questions to come.

Weekly WTH? — In a single scene, Ando pulls a huge sword from a small cabinet (seriously, how did that happen?) and then finds a note for him on the bottom of the hilt, revealing a secret storage spot for notes from Hiro-in-the-past. So, a famous sword has been studied by historians for ages, yet they all miss a series of notes hidden not-ver-well in the handle? There’s a word for that: unbelievable.

Peter Parker, I mean Petrelli — The sequence of a newly ripped and memory-less Peter trying to use his powers by spouting goofy commands and gesturing wildly is just an offensively blatant ripoff of the first Spider-Man movie. I channel my inner South Park and shout, “Sam Raimi did it!”

Speaking of — It’s nice to know the actor who plays Peter spent the summer lifting weights and waxing his chest. But, seriously, at least come up with a reason for him to take his shirt off. He’s like one of those guys at the gym who wears as small a shirt as possible and spends half the day flexing in front of the mirror. Give it a rest.

Douche boy — Every superhero should have a nickname, and the dork who’s seducing Claire is no exception. After acting like a total prick this week (after being utterly generic previous episodes), I think he’s earned the moniker Douche Boy.

Or… — We could call him Superman Wannabe. Continuing the mode of ripping off superhero movies, we get a straight take from any Superman film as he takes Claire and flies her high above earth. My wife even made the comment during the scene, “Hey, that guy just made the Superman Face.”

Forbidden Love — Who saw it coming that Douche Boy had been tagged by Claire’s dad? What a twist! (This is what we call sarcasm.)

Farewell — Adios to DL, or so we think. Something tells me that cat’s not dead yet.

Rogue sighting — And here you are, the Nissan Rogue Moment of the Week. As was pretty obvious from the moment we saw Generic American Guy in the jail cell, Maya broke Alejandro free and the American agreed to drive them to freedom. The big twist? HE’S GOING TO DRIVE THEM IN A NISSAN ROGUE!!!

He’s a bad guy, duh — When Sylar smacked Illusion Lass over the head, I thought, “This is ridiculous. If the Company is guarding him, they would realize he’s a BAD guy and take that into account.” Then I thought, “Oh, wait, Illusion Lass is just making him think he killed her. That’s kind of obvious but not quite so bad.” Then I realized that apparently I was right the first time. Just a stupid lack of logic for a plot point that only revealed that Sylar doesn’t have the power to take powers, which we pretty much already knew.

There you have it. Much like Doom Deluise and Countdown, I’m really starting to consider jumping ship. At least Deluise has booze to get him through that crapfest. Maybe I need to start drinking…