Since the conclusion to Heroes sucked…

Anyone else feel that was a Grade A letdown? Me too. Wouldn’t you think that a battle royale between the two “Heroes” with multiple powers would entail them using, uh, multiple powers? Wouldn’t you think everyone would make sure Sylar couldn’t slink away? That said, I’ll still be watching next season.

Now, because I’m that guy, I saved the best for last: Yep, the Joker picture from the upcoming Dark Knight flick. This is awesome. You know, there have been a lot of incarnations of the Joker, and one thing that’s been missing from most of them is a serious dose of the scariness. Like Kramer, I’m scared of clowns. But the Joker is too often the clown you laugh at (or with). Clearly, this is different. Note the scars, the darkness, the hollow intensity. This Joker scares the expletive out of me. Awesome. Photo below.

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