Week Twenty-Nine

Hey, everybody, it’s my birthday! What better way to celebrate than finishing up my review of “52” in a timely manner and then getting completely slammified at the bars? I can’t think of a thing! So, that said, what happened this week, and, more importantly, how was it? Glad you asked.52 week 29

This issue focuses primarily on two of the main stories. For starters, we meet with the last remaining members of the Justice Society–Flash, Green Lantern, and Wildcat. They’re questioning their relevance while Infinity Incorporated is passing by in the street (out the window). Then, Luthor’s superteam debuts its newest member–Jade, Alan Scott’s deceased daughter’s namesake. Obsidian, the original Jade’s brother and reformed badguy, shows up in protest. He makes a stink, tells off the Infinity Inc, etc. Then, one of the new kids on the block, Nuklon, takes it personal (and makes it personal) by calling Alan “grandpa” and insulting the JSA, saying the new world doesn’t need old antiques watching over it with kids like them around. We meet back up with Jay and Ted later, after Alan’s long gone, and Jay says he thinks there’s still a place in the world for the JSA.

Meanwhile, on Oolong Island, the new girl scientist seduces Will Magnus while the rest of the mad scientists eat turkey (it’s Thanksgiving tomorrow!). When Egg Fu…er, Chung Zhu, shows up, he wants to know why Will hasn’t been producing much lately. The girl rats him out and makes mention of how Will’s on medications that keep his creativity in check, in a way. Whoops. So much for being sane, Will.

The last couple pages show John Henry Irons peeling steel off his skin. He turns to that girl scientist he works with and says how, not only can Luthor shut down the powers after awhile, but, there’s also an expiration date.

Awesome. So, how was it? The art’s great; the writing’s great; the interplay between the characters is great. We stick with each story long enough for stuff to actually, y’know, happen, and, well, it’s just an entertaining read all around. ‘Course, that could be just the fact that I didn’t buy any other comics today, so I naturally liked this one a lot, but, who knows? I just quit my job, so I won’t find out for another few weeks, I guess.

Next week, it looks like we’re going to drop in on Batman, Robin, and Nightwing. Should be fun!

See ya in seven.