1,000 and counting

Congrats to the Comic Shop News on their 1,000th issue. It seems like only yesterday that I picked up issue 973.

The free weekly pamphlet on the goings on in the comic book world has been around since 1987, which, in this latest edition the editors remind us, “when we started CSN, trade paperbacks were virtual anomalies … 1987 was two years before Tim Burton proved that there was still plenty of cinematic life left in comic book heroes.”

Thanks to editors Cliff Biggers and Ward Batty, working out of Marietta, Ga., for taking care of the “you’re so old” jokes for me. Really though, they do put out a cool product for free to readers and have managed to do it consistently while the industry changed a whole lot.

For that and more, kudos! Now, if only they hadn’t put Highlander on the cover of this momentous issue…